Mike’s Pizza & Sub Shop Dirty and Rude Yelp Reviews

Before you run out and get some pizza or a sub sandwich make sure your not getting anything extra like dirty fingernail residue from a staff who per the reviews on yelp says Mike’s Pizza Shop at 2902 N Route 130
Delran, NJ 08075 is unsanitary and the owner is rude is oblivious about it all.
Here is another review about the dirty practices of Mike’s Pizza Shop employees and also Mike the owner’s response to the claims.
Here is another review from yelp as you will see this owner seems to not have a good reputation and this is why it’s so important that people after visiting any type of establishment either good or bad leave their review to express their experience as this helps other people make informed decisions about shopping and at businesses. Especially a food joint.
WOW Mike how are you still in business??
Mike, If you you would like to clear this up and make a statement or even an apology instead of excuses about what seems to us here as not very kosher pizza shop you are running with these types of reviews; then we will be more than happy to post your story and response here. Thank you!
Here is the link to where we got our accurate info from