Britain’s Tax Authority Updates Crypto Guidelines

This article has been originally posted on Bitcoin’s website via the link here. We are sharing it entirely below. We do not claim to own intellectual property to this content. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has updated its guidelines on the taxation of transactions involving crypto assets. The United Kingdom’s tax authority clarifies its stance on cryptocurrencies and explains which taxes

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Bitcoin Cash Captured 90% of October’s Crypto Spending in Australia

This article has been originally posted on Bitcoin’s website via the link here. We are sharing it entirely below. We do not claim to own intellectual property to this content. Just recently the web portal reported that the number of bitcoin cash (BCH) Australian retail transactions throughout the month of September outshined every other digital currency by a wide margin. After

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IBM Ethical Mineral Sourcing Blockchain to Debut in Spring

This article has been originally posted on Coindesk’s website via the link here. We are sharing it entirely below. We do not claim to own intellectual property to this content. Ford, Volkswagon, LG and Volvo plan to take a pilot project tracking cobalt during its refining process live in production next year. The Responsible Sourcing Blockchain Network (RSBN), an international consortium built

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93 Days Dark: 8chan Coder Explains How Blockchain Saved His Troll Forum

This article has been originally posted on Coindesk’s website via the link here. We are sharing it entirely below. We do not claim to own intellectual property to this content. The Takeaway: Administrators at 8kun, the anarchic message board formerly known as 8chan, have been experimenting with blockchain and p2p technologies in an effort to build a website resistant to deplatforming and

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OSC Commissioner Debunks Arguments Against Bitcoin, Green-Lights Bitcoin Fund

This article has been originally posted on Bitcoin’s website via the link here. We are sharing it entirely below. We do not claim to own intellectual property to this content. A commissioner of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has debunked the arguments against bitcoin used to deny the public offering of The Bitcoin Fund. Among others, the commissioner rules that bitcoin is

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